Buying all new software for PPC may soon get quite expensive - on the other hand, investing in new Amiga PPC systems should be honored in some way...
Let's go:
The following shareware bundle prices are limited until 31th March 1998 (postal stamp's date or date of email):
Bundle #1: akJFIF-dt + akPNG-dt (PPC)
Name regular price ---------------------------------- akJFIF/PPC keyfile 15,- DM akPNG/PPC keyfile 15,- DM ---------------------------------- TOTAL 30,- DM BUNDLE-PRICE: 20,- DM (saves you 10,- DM !)
Bundle #2: SuperView + akJFIF-dt + akPNG-dt (PPC)
Name regular price ---------------------------------- SViewNG keyfile 30,- DM SViewNG PPC-Modules 30,- DM akPNG/PPC keyfile 15,- DM akJFIF/PPC keyfile 15,- DM ---------------------------------- TOTAL 90,- DM BUNDLE-PRICE: 70,- DM (saves you 20,- DM !)
Please note, that these offers are for email shipment of keyfiles (and PPC modules), so if you want to receive your keyfile (and/or PPC modules) via snail mail, please add 5,- DM for shipment through Europe and 10,- DM for overseas shipment.
Please mention the bundle number (1 through 2) and the way of shipment with your order - keyword is "PPC Bundles 98".
If you don't know about some of the mentioned products, please follow the links given below:
Please address all orders to:
PerSuaSiVe SoftWorX
Andreas R. Kleinert
Sandstrasse 1 Fax: +49-271-22869
D-57072 Siegen eMail:
Germany WWW: http://home.t-
...and don't forget to mention "PPC Bundles 98" with your order !
Additional information: